Tag Archives: @FoodBankDE

SNAP Challenge jitters

ImageBy Gwen Guerke, Communications Coordinator

I’ll admit it: I have SNAP Challenge anxiety already.

As the new kid on the block at the Food Bank of Delaware, I’m eager to jump into my first team activity, the SNAP Challenge. In a nutshell, that means we agree to eat for $31.50 for one week. That’s how much a SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) participant receives: $4.50 a day.

September is Hunger Awareness Month; the Challenge starts on Sept. 13 and ends on Sept. 19.

I, along with other participants, will keep a journal that will be shared publicly to create an awareness of the challenges low-income families face.

This is going to take some planning. I’ll admit that I’m picky, and I also have some food sensitivities. I’m allergic to corn and have been eating gluten-free for almost a year. I eat very little dairy, and usually prepare plant-based meals at home. This time of year I do a lot of shopping at the farmers’ market.

The rules, in a nutshell, require that you factor in the cost of food that you grow yourself, that you might already have on hand, such as spices, condiments and coffee, and also journal when you eat out for a work or social engagement.

And my birthday is during this week. I’m OK with skipping the cake, but not the ice cream. I’m sure I’ll go out for lunch and maybe have a special coffee, one that costs nearly the daily food allowance.

Wine? We’ll see.

So our SNAP Challenge starts on Friday, Sept. 13. Who’s superstitious?

Want to join? Email Matt Talley, our SNAP Outreach Coordinator, and he’ll be in touch – mtalley@fbd.org

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